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The Hamilton Suzuki School of Music The Hamilton Suzuki School of Music


School Policies 2023-2024

Revised August 19, 2023

Payment of Fees

Fees must be paid before the start of each term by E-transfer to:

Post-dated cheques may be submitted if e-transfer is not available. For students beginning mid-term, the fees will be pro-rated accordingly.

A $10 late fee will be applied to payments made after each new term begins.

Cheques returned to the School by the Bank will be subject to a $15 service charge.
Repeated non payment of fees will result in the withdrawal of services.

All enquiries should be addressed to the Administrator, The Hamilton Suzuki School of Music, 21 Stone Church Road West, Hamilton, On L9B 1A1. Telephone (905) 519-4104 or by e-mail to our office administrator.

Missed Lessons

Lessons missed by the student will not be made up. For lessons that you cannot attend due to inclement weather, a virtual lesson will be offered during your regularly scheduled time. In the case of illness, a lesson will be made up at a mutually convenient time. Any lessons cancelled by the teacher will be made up at a mutually convenient time.


Students and anyone entering with a student must comply with any COVID-19 policies that are in effect. (These will be available separately and may change throughout the year). Anyone experiencing any cold/flu/COVID-19 symptoms will not be given a lesson in-person. See above for missed lessons.

Holiday Policy

Lessons which fall on a legal holiday e.g. Victoria Day, Good Friday, etc. will be given either on these days if both the teacher and parent wish or rescheduled to a mutually convenient time. Lessons scheduled for non-statutory holidays, e.g. school PA days etc. will be given as usual.

Snow Days

In case of severe weather, your teacher, along with you, will determine if the weather is better by the time of your lesson and can go ahead as planned. Teachers will offer virtual lessons if either party determines that it is unsafe for travel. Group lessons cancelled due to inclement weather will not be made up.

In case of withdrawal from the School mid-term

Your teacher and the Administrator should be notified immediately. The fees for the remainder of the term will not be refunded. Any subsequent complete term fees will be returned.


Students are expected to acquire an instrument of their own. The School owns a limited number of violins, violas, cellos, flutes and guitars which may be rented if available. Information regarding rentals may be obtained from the office at 905-519-4104. Parents are responsible for insuring rental instruments.

A child wishing to study a string instrument or flute must be properly measured by a teacher to determine the correct size of the instrument needed.

Parents enrolling students in the piano program are advised to begin their search for a piano by going to a reputable dealer. They are not encouraged to purchase an instrument through a newspaper advertisement without obtaining the advice of a qualified piano technician. If you require assistance obtaining an instrument, please speak with your teacher or the administrator.

Instruments should be kept clean and in good repair at all times; they should not be exposed to extremes of heat or cold. The bow should be loosened after each playing and bow hair should be replaced periodically. We recommend that all instruments be insured. This can usually be done by adding a rider to your home insurance policy. The school is not responsible for damaged instruments. When purchasing an instrument have both parties check the instrument prior to the sale in the presence of all concerned.

Parents are reminded that the pianos should be tuned to concert pitch every six months. It should be noted that regular acoustic pianos are the most satisfactory option for this program, electric keyboards are discouraged as the program has a heavy emphasis on tone and touch.

Early Childhood Programs

These are pre-instrumental classes offered to very young children aged newborn until entry into an instrumental program, usually around 3 years of age.

These programs prepare both the parent and child for lessons in the studio by teaching the parent how to work with their child in an unstressed environment, developing a sense of pulse/beat, rhythm and melodies through class activities and exposing both parent and child to a variety of instruments to aid choice of instrument. Ages and level of competency are mixed in the classes in order to expose children to the natural roles of leading, following and learning from one another.

Observation of these classes by parents and child and an interview with the teacher are requirements for registering. As the parent’s full attention is required during class and to avoid disruption, siblings are discouraged from attending these classes unless registered and accompanied by a second adult.


Ensembles can be formed by 2 or more players, any instrument (may not be available due to COVID-19). Students are grouped by age and playing level. Students interested in playing in an ensemble should inform their private or group teacher. Extra fees will apply.

Preparation for RCM Examinations Practical & Theory

All teachers are happy to prepare students for Royal Conservatory Music examinations. Many of our teachers specialize in the preparation of students for theory examinations at all levels.

At-Home Lessons

Lessons are strongly encouraged to be held at the HSSM location or your teacher’s home studio. We strongly discourage at-home lessons and, in general, do not offer them. The student’s home is a source of distractions and familiarity and, in our experience, does not offer the best music education for your child. If you feel that you require at-home lessons, you must approach your teacher, and also the office. Any at-home lessons will be subject to a $25 per lesson fee for your teacher’s travel time.

Fundraising & Volunteering

The HSSM is a registered charitable organization. Tax receipts will be given for qualified financial donations. The school organizes fundraising throughout the year in order to finance community concerts, instrument purchase, scholarships, subsidize workshops, teacher education and to cover many other activities not covered in the basic fees. Students and parents are expected to participate in fundraising activities.

Contact Us

Contact us for more information about our school or to schedule a visit and see if our school is a great fit for you.

Email Us 905-519-4104

Inspiring their love of music for over 50 years