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The Hamilton Suzuki School of Music The Hamilton Suzuki School of Music


History of The Hamilton Suzuki School of Music

The Hamilton Suzuki School of Music (HSSM), formerly the Hamilton Philharmonic Children Inc., began in 1967 as a centennial project of the Women’s Committee of the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra. It became known as The HSSM in 1979/1980.

The goal of The Hamilton Suzuki School of Music is to promote the musical education of children and to nurture their musical growth as they mature, specifically through the Suzuki method. This Goal has created a rich history in the Hamilton area as you can see in this timeline.

The Story of The HSSM

Enrollment Reaches 335 Students
Dr. Lee Hepner

Dr. Lee Hepner stepped down as Board Chair in 1985, after being a leading force in the programme for many years.

Among Dr Lee’s accomplishments: Music Director of the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra (1962-1969); taught music at McMaster University from 1961 until he passed away July 24, 1986, at the age of 65. He founded the McMaster Symphony Orchestra in 1973.


  • Ford, Clifford; James, Kevin. “Lee Hepner”. Encyclopedia of Music in Canada.
St. Cuthbert’s Presbyterian Church
St. Cuthberts

Here we move again to Bond St. in Westdale.


School Enrollment Reaches 192 Students
Christ Church Cathedral
Christs Church Cathedral

With growing numbers and the need for more space at an affordable price, the school took up home at Christ Church Cathedral on James St. N. and Dalewood Rec Center on Main. St. W.

Headstart Suzuki Program
Suszki Parent Committee Newsletter called SuzukiNews Nov, 1980 edition

The Parent Committee Newsletter reported the first mention of the Headstart Program. This program is designed to provide a fun way for children to prepare for learning to play an instrument. The Headstart Program aimed to give kids the opportunity to excel when they are old enough to start lessons on their first instrument. It focuses on developing skills such as rhythm, movement, and percussion instruments. The class was later divided into the Infant-Toddler program (ITP) for 0-2.5 year olds and Headstart for 2.5-4 year olds. In the early 2000’s, the class structure changed again and became the Suzuki ECE program for 0-3 year olds.

School Enrollment Reaches 72 Students

When the school became Hamilton Suzuki School of Music in 1980 the school enrollment reached 72 students.

Becoming Hamilton Suzuki School of Music
Announcement icon

Philharmonic Children of Hamilton, Inc. legally requested the change of their name to Hamilton Suzuki School of Music.

Under the driving force of Margot Jewell, this program was reorganized as the Hamilton Suzuki School of Music. The school became the first school to teach the Suzuki Method in Ontario.

Starting at McMaster

Marta Hidy was the artistic director of the Philharmonic Children of Hamilton from 1967 to 1977, so it is no surprise that the school had its first home at McMaster University.

Growing the Suzuki Method in Ontario

Our school enlisted two violinists to set up the Guelph satellite Suzuki class: Daphne and Hazel Comer; drove to Tennessee to take their first Suzuki course with Suzuki pioneer Bill Starr. Back in Guelph, there were now twenty students enrolled for lessons, three of them being Daphne’s children; her fourth child was destined to be a cellist. The lessons were run under the auspices of the our Hamilton program for the first year.

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Email Us 905-519-4104

Inspiring their love of music for over 50 years